Maybe I'll try and get everybody out of bed early on Sunday mornings with this Cap'n Crunch. The chicken is delicious-slightly sweet and oh so crispy. In food processor, grind cereals until crumbly but some 1/8inch chunks are still visible. I remembered hearing about Cap'n Crunch chicken from Planet Hollywood in the nineties, so I scoured the Internet, fiddled around a little bit and came up with this recipe.

I had to get everybody as enthusiastic as I was about this cereal that caused greed, lust and sin all before Sunday school. a recipe by barbara lentz blentz8 beulah, MI Kids love these. So that left just me and my antiquated treasure. The Quiet Man would never deign to eat anything as nutritionally empty as sugar cereal for breakfast. My two sensible children exchanged bewildered expressions over their bowls of Grape Nuts. I would be the hero! Except that nobody understood how exciting it was to have a box of retro Cap'n Crunch in the house. So you can imagine how excited I was to bring home a whole box of Cap'n Crunch for my family of four. The late birds didn't starve they got.Grape Nuts. I ought to know because I was one of them. Only the early birds got the goods and some early birds were more like hogs than birds. My mother bought ONE box of sugar cereal for Sunday breakfast for ten kids. Cap'n Crunch? I fought nine siblings every Sunday morning for a second bowl of Cap'n Crunch for a decade of my childhood. Retro Trix turned me into a silly rabbit. I saw a circa 1975 box of old fashioned Lucky Charms and I felt like I'd found a pot of gold. Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Red Beans & Rice Mac-N-Cheese Honey Biscuits Jambalaya Family Meals Family Meals Feeding a crowd We have you covered, from family-sized chicken, wings and tenders meals to boxes of biscuits and the perfect sides to delight everyone around your table. (Taco flavor and pretty darn delicioso, thank you very much.) Anyway, the sugar cereal companies must know this about me, because they keep reeling me in with quaint boxes of sweet cereal. I just bought a sack of Doritos just because they had a groovy 70's sombrero on the package. Top with chicken pieces.I'm a sucker for anything retro.

Heat oil in a large heavy skillet to 325 degrees F. Cap'n Crunch is the famed adventurer and breakfast connoisseur bringing adventure to your breakfast table and beyond.Dip into the egg wash, coating well, then dip into the cereal mixture, coating well.Move around to coat well, then shake off the excess flour.Dip the chicken pieces into the seasoned flour.Stir together the flour, onion and garlic powders and black pepper.Coarsely grind or crush the two cereals and set aside.